Hugging the coastline, steel and wood and glass islets crown the mirror of the bay. As you row your boat further among these grassy hilly behemoths, some joined together, others fewer and further apart, you browse over the playful harlequin sailboats snoozing on their sandy shores. Silver shapes under the crystal keel dart between ambling lionfishes and rays, in the shallow pools of the coral waterway.
Hugging the coastline, steel and wood and glass islets crown the mirror of the bay. As you row your boat further among these grassy hilly behemoths, some joined together, others fewer and further apart, you browse over the playful harlequin sailboats snoozing on their sandy shores. Silver shapes under the crystal keel dart between ambling lionfishes and rays, in the shallow pools of the coral waterway.
This is the Mirror City constellation and the massive structures that rise and compete in fairness and wonder all around you, are its building blocks. You land on one of them and as you look back from under the high perches of the apartments, there it is still, the collage of the distant Dry Skyline. “Our Metropolis reaches now to both horizons.”
Beached at the waterline in numerous places, or jutting above the lapping waves with glass and steel facades, the Macrostructure Islets (about 100 x 400 meters across) are topped with luxuriant, pathway-only Park Landscapes. Faceted volumetric designs crest the green in places, shining plenty of sunlight into the vast Public Building bellies underneath.
Slight wood-and-metal Sky Apartment Blocks patch the cloudy blue above the crystal coifs on their fields of grass, and fluid webs of translucent, storeyed Walkway Bridges snake their high way around the rectangular stairwell trunks and the slender leaning structural pillars of perching residential lofts.
Beached at the waterline in numerous places, or jutting above the lapping waves with glass and steel facades, the Macrostructure Islets (about 100 x 400 meters across) are topped with luxuriant, pathway-only Park Landscapes. Faceted volumetric designs crest the green in places, shining plenty of sunlight into the vast Public Building bellies underneath.
Slight wood-and-metal Sky Apartment Blocks patch the cloudy blue above the crystal coifs on their fields of grass, and fluid webs of translucent, storeyed Walkway Bridges snake their high way around the rectangular stairwell trunks and the slender leaning structural pillars of perching residential lofts.
The islanders are capable people. Ask them about their trade and you’ll learn that they are everything from local artisans on the Walkway Bridges to industrial workers in the dry town docks. Husbandry technicians on the Boroughs Islets (the Macrostructures) and landscape architects to the reclaimed nature reserves of the former suburban sprawls over the old land - in this respect they are as diverse and old-world as they get.
Ask them about their pastimes and and their walkways in the sky and their weekend markets on the walkway plazas, and they will nod up to their floating garden platforms and down onto the Macrostructure and its orchard parks, mussel farms and fisheries, and the amphitheaters and mediatheques tucked into the folds of the Macrostructure. Without exception they will gesture to the coral waterway that you closely followed all the way through to their island doorstep and point it out as their labour of love. Unless you flew in on one of the lazy airships, or travelled here by monorail, in which case they’ll be quick to remind you how the filigreed reef mosaic is to be admired from up there (and best from below the balmy waves).
Sun in the Wings…
The day rushes across
Houseboats adrift.
The day rushes across
Houseboats adrift.