EMERGENCE: “budding, in biology, is a form of asexual reproduction in which a new individual develops from some generative anatomical point (the first Borough Islet) of the parent organism (the Land City). The initial protuberance of proliferating cytoplasm or cells (- the multitude of Borough Islets), the bud (- aggregated as the greater Mirror City) eventually develops into an organism duplicating the parent”, in the same way the floating city increasingly mirrors its original host, the land (dry) city. – Encyclopedia Britannica.
The added notion, that “the new individual may separate to exist independently, or the buds may remain attached, forming aggregates or colonies“ (E.Brit.), is also relevant to the experimental science of the new floating urban typology. It could mean that the floating city becoming partially or completely segregated over time, in an administrative and ultimately even in a morphological interpretation, possibly through a process of shedding some mature floating islet units (- and them floating off to seek out other existing coastal conurbations, appropriate to seeding new Mirror Cities).
CONTEXTUAL SHAPE: Where it is located and who it’s meant for will influence what the Islets and the greater floating city look like. Floating Alexandria and Floating Montpelier will be decidedly different looking (and perhaps functioning )places. The manner in which the Mirror City Islet is conceptually and functionally programmed allows the employment of localized functional typologies, building skins, construction materials etc
The added notion, that “the new individual may separate to exist independently, or the buds may remain attached, forming aggregates or colonies“ (E.Brit.), is also relevant to the experimental science of the new floating urban typology. It could mean that the floating city becoming partially or completely segregated over time, in an administrative and ultimately even in a morphological interpretation, possibly through a process of shedding some mature floating islet units (- and them floating off to seek out other existing coastal conurbations, appropriate to seeding new Mirror Cities).
CONTEXTUAL SHAPE: Where it is located and who it’s meant for will influence what the Islets and the greater floating city look like. Floating Alexandria and Floating Montpelier will be decidedly different looking (and perhaps functioning )places. The manner in which the Mirror City Islet is conceptually and functionally programmed allows the employment of localized functional typologies, building skins, construction materials etc
PROLIFERATION: driven by few geographical limitations and by using easily renewable, locally abundant food and mineral resources (accretion, etc.), while employing durable advanced technologies.
REPRODUCTION OF THE CITY: shedding, an Islet lifting anchor and drifting to a fresh location; seeding (- the notion and the know-how); growing (a new floating Mirrored City from the resettled prototype Islet)
PERPETUATION: enabled by sustainable expansion, competitiveness, adaptability, durable and easily replaceable building materials, cataclysm resistant design (anthropic or natural). The concourse of the two cities. over-sea and over-land joined at the shore, is their coalescence into the future perpetual Metropolis.